Getting ready for week 1!

Groceries have been purchased! Meal plan in place and I’m prepping my fridge and the veggies for the first few days. I was originally planning on the omnivore version, but putting those 4 chicken breasts into my cart wasn’t sitting right. I know I can happily follow the veggie plan as any other plan! Day one and two will be challenging but I’m here for it! 💪🏼💗💪🏼🔥

Welcome back, baby!

32 months later, here I am, back to my blog. We’re making it through the pandemic, and I think we’ve survived the worst of it. I did not come out of this pandemic with “jail bod” as Tim and I have joked about, and secretly cursed the people that have managed to better themselves during our multiple lockdowns. Not over here in Dartmouth, sadly.

I’ve thought a lot about getting in shape, going to the gym, and running, but truly half-assing it all… I’ve been baking and cooking up a storm and not always with a healthy focus, more butter than Brussel sprouts, more chocolate than carrots… you get it. My instgarm @hangrydavisonsisters is a testament to my growing foodie life.

But there are a few things that are enticing me to get back at it. Events that are encouraging me to stop thinking about getting in shape, and DO IT. I have been going to the gym, and then pigging out on baked goods because I “deserve” it. But ultimately negating all the progress I’ve made. I absolutely hate the phrase “You can’t outrun a bad diet” but it’s true. Health is everything – not just 60 minutes of sweating, four times a week. It’s the food we decide to put in our bodies, it’s the extra dog walk, it’s the thoughts we put in our heads, the sleep we get and the amount of stress we put on ourselves.

Sunday Prep Day

A few months ago I borrowed “Healthy as f*ck” from the library, and I absolutely loved it. I bought it for friends! I talked about it and I even modified my behaviours for a few weeks, and then I slid back into old habits. After yet another weekend of over-eating, having one or two more cocktails than I would have liked, I knew I needed to change my behaviour. Yes, I manage to get to the gym but really, overall I was disappointed with my moves towards the healthy person I want to be.

So I purchased Oonagh Duncan’s “Healthy as f*ck” for myself and re-read it, highlighted passages, and wrote down the highlights, made notes in the margins. I won’t get into a full review of the book, but Oonagh SPEAKS to me. She’s not about weightloss, she’s about finding what makes you happy, and to modify your behaviour and habits to move you towards a happier version of yourself.

This time I want to believe that I can do it.

I have the book, I can make the new habits….can’t I? I went online to look for support and found myself on Oonagh’s webpage for over an hour wondering if investing in her 28-day transformation program was really worth it..even with a discount. I thought of all the money I have spent on less things that weren’t focused on my health.

I pulled the trigger. Invested in the program and I’m motivated! I’m going this alone, but I wanted to capture my 4-weeks for future Becky and for whoever else might stumble on this site and is also about to start a new program to better your health.

This week’s Goals:

  1. Purchase all the foods I need to eat healthy, and feel satisfied this week. 🥦🥒🥕🍠
  2. PREPARE THE FOOD – make it easy 🥗🥙👩‍🍳
  3. Go to the gym – OTF / Run/ Swim (Daily) 🏊🏻‍♀️🏃🏼‍♀️
  4. Climb into bed at 9pm, without electronics, only a book. 📚
  5. Meditate Daily 😳🧘🏼‍♀️
  6. No alcohol throughout the week ❌🥂❌

This will be my dry run as I get ready for the official kick-off on April 25th!